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My Affection for the Serbs

A Unique People I hold a special place in my heart for the Serbian people. De la Jonquières once described them as “a brave, poetic,...

The Democratic Spirit of Serbia

Equality and Education Serbia is a democratic country where no one, except the King, holds a title. Property is divided equally among sons, ensuring fairness...

Serbia’s Economic Ties with Austria

The Influence of Austria on Serbian Trade In Serbia, when the country finally gives in to Austria’s demands, Austria often decides that the swine fever...

Parmenides Empedocles and Anaxagoras

Exploring Ancient Cosmologies Parmenides (c. 450 BCE) The Sphere of All, Wreaths of Fire Parmenides of Elea in Italy challenges conventional physics by arguing against the...

Ionic Thought’s Influence

Concepts of Celestial Wheels and Bowls of Fire This section explores the impact of Ionic thought on early Greek cosmology, focusing on key figures such...

Anaximander of Miletus

Anaximander of Miletus (c. 550 BCE) Exploring Celestial Fire and Wheels Around 550 BCE, Anaximander of Miletus presented innovative ideas about the cosmos, envisioning the...

Deciphering Cosmos

Early Greek Efforts to Grasp Celestial Movements Introduction From the discovery of Sirius by Egyptian farmers heralding the annual Nile flood to civilizations around the Mediterranean,...

Ionian Revolution

Navigating the Skies with Thales of Miletus Introduction In the early migrations around 11th century BCE, many Greeks settled along the Turkish coast, engaging in cultural...

Celestial Views in Ancient Greece

Insights from Homer and Hesiod Introduction Homer, renowned for his epic tales of war and long journeys, provides subtle glimpses into the Greek understanding of the...

Rise and Decline of Caria through History

Extent of Carian Territory At its zenith, Caria’s territory stretched from present-day Lake Bafa in the north to Lake Köycegiz east of Marmaris in the...

Byblis unspeakable desires


Turkish Tea


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