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Siegfried and Kriemhild part 8

The guests brought with them to the Rhine, to the tourney, saddles worked in ruddy gold, and finely wrought shields, and knightly apparel. And the sick rejoiced, and they that lay on their beds...

Siegfried and Kriemhild part 7

Said Gunther, “Ye shall both go free. Yet I must have a pledge that my foremen quit not my land till peace be sealed betwixt us.” And they promised, it and gave their hand...

Siegfried and Kriemhild part 6

“Ortwin of Metz, also, won worship. Whoso came within range of his sword lieth wounded or dead. Thy brother, too, made fierce havoc in the battle. To his prowess must all testify. The proud...

Siegfried and Kriemhild part 5

The dead lay in heaps. Sindolt and Hunolt and Ortwin the knight slew many in the strife. The princes held together in the fray. Bright spears in the hands of heroes flashed above the...

Siegfried and Kriemhild part 4

They of Denmark were aghast when they heard their king was taken captive; they told it to his brother, who fell in a great fury by reason of the disaster.So the mighty Ludgast was...

Siegfried and Kriemhild part 3

“Sit thou at home, O King,” spake Siegfried. “Since thy knights are willing to follow me, stay here by the women and be of good cheer; for, by my troth, I will guard for...

Siegfried and Kriemhild part 2

The king was heavy of his cheer, and Siegfried, the good knight, saw that he was downcast, but wist not the reason, and asked King Gunther what ailed him. “I marvel much,” said Siegfried,...

Siegfried and Kriemhild part 1

Anonymous: End of 12th CenturyThe unknown writer of the Nibelungenlied, or Lay of the Nibelungs, was an Austrian. Nothing is known of him except that he wrote his celebrated ballad epic toward the end...

Phrygian Valley

Cradle of Culture: Phrygian valleyOn one side monumental tumuli, giant rock-carved reliefs, altars and cave dwellings, on the other fairy chimney formations like works of art and the thermal springs that have warmed the...


A remnant of East Berlin that has crossed over to the West, the famous `little traffic man `with a hat (Ampelmannchen) used at pedestrian crossings in place of the usual red and green lights,...

Bulgarian Coast


Tour guide Ensar


Byzantine calendar