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Private Bulgaria tours – Bulgaria can easily be called a mountainous country. Almost half of its territory is home to different in size, height, character and origin mountainous formations. Mountains in Bulgaria are so various. They are small and big, with or without flora, round and steep, high and low… However, one thing is definite – they are accessible during the four seasons and offer a lot of opportunities for sport, tourism, private Bulgaria tours, and holidays.

On the territory of Bulgaria there are 37 mountains. 36 of them are in the southern part of the country. There are biggest and highest, most beautiful and alpine mountains.

Pirin is considered to be the most beautiful of all. Hearing the legend, though, one would think it’s a bit ‘cold’ beauty. But beauty.
Legendary Private Bulgaria tours Pirin
People used to praise Bulgarian mountains in the old songs. Mountains were always people who later turned into rocks. That was the story of Pirin as well. Pirin and Rila Mountain had always been close. In fact, they were husband and wife. The beautiful girl, Rilka, fell for the also handsome man – Pirin. They got married and soon they became parents of two children – a son and a daughter, Iskar and Mesta. As usually boys are, Iskar used to be a naughty child. While his sister, Mesta was calmer and better-behaved.

Pirin, the father, was usually out hunting and finding food for his family. Rila, the mother, stayed at home with the children. She had difficulties with them as they fought all the time. Although Rila asked Pirin many times to help her with their children, he refused. One day Iskar and Mesta had a big argument. They said bad words to each other.

Their mother, Rila was so angry. She put her hands up to stop them and in her sorrow she cursed her children. Actually, she put a curse on the whole family. Private Bulgaria tours put a spell only on you.

Private Bulgaria tours Pirin

Bulgaria can easily be called a mountainous country. Almost half of its territory is home to different in size, height, character and origin mountainous formations. Mountains in Bulgaria are so various. They are small...

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Bulgarian Church