The Shipwreck of Simonides
Phaedrus (15 B.C.?—55 A.D.?)
It was the chief distinction of this writer to have collected the Fables of Jesop (or whoever it was who wrote Alsop`s works) and rewritten them for the Romans. His collection...
Rabbi Akiva
The Talmud is a great collection of law, ritual, precept, and example, which was composed during the period extending from the First Century B.C. to the Fourth Century A.D. The work was the result...
The Robbers of Egypt
Heliodorus (3rd Century, A.D.)
Heliodorus was one of the earliest writers of the novel, or romance. Though he lived long after the close of the Golden Age of Greek lit-erature, he is (together with Longus)...
A Newyear`s Eve Confession part 4
“The devil!” exclaimed the old soldier in surprise; “then you were the cause of that touching farewell letter that Bianca sent me—in which she declared that she must give me up—although her heart would...
A Newyear`s Eve Confession part 3
The old soldier murmured something and lit his pipe.
“No, she was as pure as God`s angels,” continued the other. “It is you and I who are the guilty ones. Listen to me. It is...
A Newyear`s Eve Confession part 2
My two old gentlemen sat half in the shadow of the green lampshade, moldering ruins both, from long past days, bowed and trembling, gazing before them with the dull glance of the dimming eyes...
A Newyear`s Eve Confession part 1
Hermann Sudermann (1857 – 1928)
Sudermann was born in East Prussia in 1857, and educated at the Universities of Konigsberg and Berlin. He was one of the foremost leaders of the dramatic movement of the...
Siegfried and Kriemhild part 10
He looked on the maid right sweetly, and he said, “I will not cease to serve them. Never, while I live, will I lay head on pillow, till I have brought their desire to...
Siegfried and Kriemhild part 9
Thinking thus he waxed oft white and red; yea, graceful and proud stood the son of Sieglind, goodliest of heroes to behold, as he were drawn on parchment by the skill of a cunning...