How many people live in Istanbul?


Istanbul daily tour and Istanbul tour guides like to take you to the largest city in Turkey, Istanbul. It is the fifth most crowded city in the world and the largest European city. Istanbul attracts Turkish people as well as tourists for Istanbul daily tour with its location – the Bosphorus Strait, the Marmara Sea, the Black Sea. It also offers many possibilities for the people – to work there, to study, to make business istanbul daily tour.

The largest city in Turkey and customized Turkey tours – Istanbul daily tour

From 1st January, 2014 the estimated population of Istanbul is 14,160,467. That makes it the fastest growing of the 78 largest metropolitans in the world istanbul day tour.

Since Istanbul is Turkey’s economic, cultural and historical centre, it immediately becomes an attractive point for the Turkish people from around the country. They go to Istanbul hoping to build their dreams there. And they add to the city and make it the most populous one.

Constantly growing skyline

Istanbul is a flourishing city, with a constantly growing skyline and it inevitably is the centre of everything. Tourists also become part of the population for some time and they make Istanbul the fifth most popular tourist destination. Contact me, the guide Ensar Islamoglu, and let’s enjoy Istanbul together.


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