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Hierapolis Pamukkale

Located 20 km. away from the town of Denizli, Pamnkkale is most interesting places in the world.Over the millennia, the calcium-oxide rich waters flowing down the southern slope of Qal Dagi, located north of...

When was Istanbul settled

Istanbul daily tours - The earliest-known settlement in the area now known as Istanbul, was probably founded around 1000 BC. It`s name was Semistra. It was followed by a small fishing village, called Lygos....

Central Market Hall Sofia Walking Tour

These market places were called “charshiya”. The land on which Sofia Market Hall is located today was the charshiya of the monastery of St. John of Rila. For this reason, the terrain where today...

Byzantine calendar

After the adoption of Christianity, the Byzantine calendar “since the creation of the world” was implemented. As is known, that calendar sets the Beginning - the creation of the world, and the Ending -...

Ottoman bricks

The bricks from the Ottoman eraThe bricks from the Ottoman era are seen on the walls of the gallery set up by Evren Ertur. The general view of the gallery is seen. Evren Ertur...

Agehi (985/1577)

He was born in Vardar of Yenice. His real name is Mansur. Being from the cadi class he was a scholar, a historian and a poet. He died in Istanbul in 985/1577. According to...

A Nostalcig Street in Beyoglu

In the time of Ottoman Empire, the relations between Turks and Frenchs were deeply ancient.So that the first ambassadorship was French at the right time Kanuni Sultan Suleyman in 16. century. The French Street...

Street Markets of Istanbul

Street markets (pazar) still create a good alternative for economical shopping. People who generally do their shopping at various stores get astonished when they somehow come across with the prices in street markets located...

The incomplete mesnevi of four thousand couplets titled

“Cihad-i Sultan Suleyman ber Iklim-i Rumili" whose poet is unknown according to the records and catalogues actually belongs to Levhi Efendi. It is about the Hungarian, Belgrade and Rhodes conquests.Mahü mentioned in one of...

Vienna coffee house tradition

An ancient, still popular Vienna coffee house tradition known far beyond Austria`s borders dictates that the honoured guest of the establishment should always, and automatically, be served a small glass of water on the...

Byblis was beside herself


Falcon part 4


Byzantine calendar